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Fork On Finger

How to play: • It is a simple but difficult game, where you have to balance a fork on top of your finger and not let it fall to floor at all cost. I have no idea if anyone will stay here longer then a second, because game is really hard. By the way there […]


Area 51 Escape

HOW TO PLAY Long click for long jump. Short click for short jump. P.S. Honored Aliens, the authors of this game are asking not to kill them, for representing the aliens image in a comical way. We are really sorry if we have hurted your feelings.


Pixel Cave

Pixel Cave is a free online roguelike dungeon exploration game. The game features about 25 enemies and 8 unique bosses. It has randomly generated levels, and all the items in game created out of two random matirials. Value and properties of items depends on whitc materials it is. How to play Use mouse click to […]